By clicking Here, you will open the District's updated Reopening Plan, as of December 6, 2021.
Most notably, the plan reflects changes to:
The definition of "Close Contact" - Page 18.
To summarize, the "close contact" rule of three feet for greater than 15 minutes won’t apply to students as long as they were properly masked. Thus, if an exposed student was wearing their mask properly they will no longer need to quarantine. Families will still receive a notice to monitor for symptoms for 14 days if their child was in close proximity, but it will no longer be considered a mandatory quarantine. If a student was exposed and it is determined that they were not properly masked, they may still be subject to quarantine.
Testing/masking requirements for youth sports - Page 13-14.
Unvaccinated students and coaches/volunteers participating in youth sports programs must be tested weekly (or two-times per week in high-risk sports) only if the activity cannot be arranged in grade-level cohorts and/or the activity requires competition with children from outside the Morrisville-Eaton Central School District (non-MECS students). All youth participants and personnel must wear an appropriate mask over their nose and mouth while on school grounds.
Social distancing, COVID Testing, and bell covers - Page 10 (Only pertains to Middle/High chorus and band at this time since the elementary chorus performance is less than fifteen minutes and the elementary band can meet the six-foot distancing measure).
In order to accommodate audiences for school music performances, decreased spacing between performers is necessary. Spacing, however will be planned at least three feet between participants. For performances lasting more than fifteen minutes, additional mitigation measures will include students and staff to be either fully vaccinated or tested for COVID-19 the week before and the week of the performance. In addition, bell covers will be fitted on wind instruments being used by any performers with less than six feet between himself/herself and another member of the ensemble.
The District will continue to update this plan, and notify the community of changes, by posting messages like this on the website along with the updated plan.
Please contact a school administrator if you have any questions.
Go Warriors!