Website Feedback

A virtual meeting for interested MECS students, staff, and community members has been set for Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 6:30PM. The purpose of the meeting is for the District to present the current status of our website and app, share enhancements made since the launch, explain some of the features and layouts, and solicit feedback for next steps we should consider to make them even better.

The website and app should always be considered evolving. Even as we prepare for next week's presentation, updates are being worked on in an effort to keep everything current and clean.

As the presentation takes place, a Live Thought Exchange will be active for participants to share suggestions and rate the ideas of others. This information will help inform the District on next steps.

If you have thoughts, suggestions, or ideas about our site/app (even if you can't attend the session), please e-mail Jody Manning at so your recommendation(s) can be considered.

To access the meeting on 1/12/22 at 6:30 PM, click the following link: 

Go Warriors!