MECS is excited to announce that our students have an opportunity to take a college class on the SUNY Morrisville campus from January - May at a significantly reduced rate.
Standard costs for a course is $295 per credit hour. After aid from the college, our students' rates would be just $75 per credit hour.
This program is not part of the MECS curriculum, so students are responsible for their own transportation and registration.
The following courses are available (as long is it fits in the student's schedule):
MATH 123-Elementary Statistics (3 credits)
MATH 147-Selected Topics in Pre-calculus (3 credits)
AGBS 200 – Marketing Agriculture Products (3 credits)
AGRO 110- Soil Science & Lab (3 credits)
CITA 101- Principles Computer Apps (3 credits)
HORT 103- Landscaping Planning & Design & Lab (3 credits)
NATR 101- General Ecology (3 credits)
DANS 120- Anatomy & Physiology Dairy (3 credits)
DANS 140- Dairy Cattle Judging Lab (1 credit)
ART 110 – Introduction to the Visual Arts (3 credits)
BIOL 109/LITR 243 - Biology & Literature (3 credits)
COMM 111 - Introduction to Speech (3 credits)
HIST 101 – United States History to 1800 (3 credits)
HIST 152 – World History From 1500 (3 credits)
NATR 153- Marine Biology (3 credits)
HPHP 100- Introduction to Wellness & Fitness & Lab (4 credits)
THEA 124 - Introduction to Theater (3 credits)
WELL 101- Stress & Wellness (3 credits)
Click here for detailed information!